Half Page Business Ad
4” high X 5” wide
Once you've purchased this ad online, please e-mail your ad in pdf format, as a Google Doc, or as a Microsoft Word document to Ms. Laura Lindmeier at drama@martinsaintsclassical.org. All ads will appear in black & white. The deadline for ad submissions is April 19th, 2024.
4” high X 5” wide
Once you've purchased this ad online, please e-mail your ad in pdf format, as a Google Doc, or as a Microsoft Word document to Ms. Laura Lindmeier at drama@martinsaintsclassical.org. All ads will appear in black & white. The deadline for ad submissions is April 19th, 2024.
4” high X 5” wide
Once you've purchased this ad online, please e-mail your ad in pdf format, as a Google Doc, or as a Microsoft Word document to Ms. Laura Lindmeier at drama@martinsaintsclassical.org. All ads will appear in black & white. The deadline for ad submissions is April 19th, 2024.