Happy Thanksgiving from Martin Saints
Sunrise over our new campus at St. Titus in East Norriton.
Happy Thanksgiving from Martin Saints!
Praise God for his many blessings!
Gratitude is a posture, a disposition, an awareness, a way of moving through life.
Gratitude implies relationship, for it would be foolish to be thankful to an empty universe. When we feel an upwelling of gratitude in our hearts, this is no trick, but rather an intuition that should be trusted. We rightly sense that there is a Presence, a Source, a "someone" from whom all blessings flow.
Gratitude is like air, something we can breathe in and out. Gratitude is like water, something we can rest upon, splash and wallow in, rejoicing.
Here's a short list of things we're grateful for this year:
We give thanks for our students. You make each school day a joy. We are honored to watch you grow, to discover the true, good, and beautiful together. We give thanks for our older students who set the tone and lead. We give thanks for our younger students, who have embraced their new school and participate with gusto. Thank you.
We give thanks for our school parents. You are the first and primary educators of your children. You trusted and embraced a small school with big dreams. We are honored to collaborate with you. Sometimes the drive is long and the nights are late, but you build this community with your kindness, energy, and ideas. Thank you.
We give thanks for our faculty and staff. You are excellent in the classroom. You are professionals, devoted to your craft. You are faithful to Christ and His Church. You love our students and daily go the extra mile for them. It's an honor to share this vocation with you. You have talent and wisdom, which you pour out like a libation. Thank you.
We give thanks for our donors, benefactors, and prayer partners. You are members of the Body of Christ, who long for the renewal of the Church, and who want a school like this to take root and grow. You could have pulled up the drawbridge and kept it all for yourself, but you chose to be kind and generous with other people's children. Without you, there would be no Martin Saints. Thank you.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Thanks to you for making life together a joy.
Thanks be to God,
who teaches us how to love,
who is the source of all.